Orphans Project

Nurturing Hope for Orphans:

At Aljaariyah Welfare Foundation, we are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of orphans by providing them with the care, support, and opportunities they need to thrive. Our mission is to be a beacon of hope for these vulnerable children, ensuring they receive the love and assistance they deserve.

Our Commitment to Orphans:

  1. Medical Care and Education: 
    We understand the importance of healthcare and education in a child’s life. That’s why we provide orphans with access to quality medical care and ensure they have the opportunity to attend school. We cover school fees, purchase necessary supplies, and offer tutoring to support their educational journey.
  2. Regular Hot Meals and Essentials: 
    We believe that no child should go to bed hungry. Our dedicated team visits orphanages regularly to distribute hot, nutritious meals. We also provide them with essential items such as clothing, uniforms, and bedding to ensure their well-being.
  3.  Support for Tahfidh Classes
    We recognize the significance of preserving our Islamic heritage. We select orphans from madrasahs and sponsor their Tahfidh classes. This includes covering the teacher’s salary and meeting the needs of these young learners, ensuring they receive a well-rounded education.
  4. Empowering Orphans for a Brighter Future
    Our goal is not only to meet their immediate needs but also to empower orphans to become self-sufficient and independent individuals. We offer vocational training and mentorship programs to equip them with valuable skills for the future.

Your Support Matters:

We cannot achieve our mission without your support. Your generous donations enable us to continue our work and make a meaningful difference in the lives of these precious children. Together, we can provide them with a brighter future filled with hope, education, and the opportunity to thrive.
Join us in our mission to make a lasting impact in the lives of orphans. Your contribution, no matter the size, can make a significant difference. Together, we can build a better tomorrow for these deserving children.
Donate today and be a part of our journey to create a brighter future for orphans.** Your generosity will be the light that guides them towards a life full of promise and opportunity.