Providing Temporary Homes for the Homeless


Aljaariyah Welfare Foundation recognizes the dire circumstances faced by the homeless, especially vulnerable groups like those with mental health issues, widows with orphans, and single mothers. We are committed to providing shelter and support.

  1. Shelter and Dignity: 
    Homelessness is a crisis that strips individuals of their dignity. We aim to provide temporary homes that offer safety, security, and a chance for a better life.
  2. Empowering Vulnerable Groups:
    Our housing projects are designed to empower the most marginalized in society, giving them a fresh start and an opportunity to regain their independence.
  3. Reward for Charity:
    By contributing to housing projects, you are not only providing physical shelter but also earning rewards in the Hereafter. Acts of charity are termed good deeds and are a means of gaining God’s pleasure and obtaining a spiritual ascension to Him, which is in fact the ultimate aim of all Muslims.




The Holy Quran states:

And what should make thee know what the ascent is?
It is the freeing of a slave.
Or feeding in a day of hunger
An orphan near of kin,
Or a poor man lying in the dust.’ Holy Quran


It is clear that ‘a poor man lying in the dust,’ applies to the homeless and charity towards such a person is a way of ‘ascent’ (spiritual nearness to God) for Muslims.          .

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Optimizing Construction:

Recognizing the financial constraints faced by the Foundation, we have adopted a cost-efficient approach in constructing these temporary homes, ensuring that your contributions have a direct and substantial impact on the lives of those in need.

We earnestly implore our donors to support our efforts in providing temporary homes for the homeless. Your contribution can change lives and offer hope where there was none

Call to Action: 

We earnestly implore our donors to support our efforts in providing temporary homes for the homeless. Your contribution can change lives and offer hope where there was none.